July 2020,

Two new directors appointed to board of High Performance Sport NZ

Hetty Van Hale and Rowan Simpson have been appointed to the High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) Board of Directors. Their appointments were confirmed in April and both take up their roles from today.

HPSNZ Board chair Bill Moran says both appointees have held previous directorships within the New Zealand sports sector and are recognised as leaders in their chosen fields.

“Their passion for high performance sport combined with their unique perspectives from their successful business careers will make them valuable additions to the board,” says Bill Moran.

“I look forward to working with Hetty and Rowan and the diversity of thought they will bring to board discussions.”

The appointments increase the size of the board from eight to nine. Six of these directors are women.

Bill Moran says he is proud to lead a board with a majority of female directors.

“As leader or the high performance system, it is important that HPSNZ is setting the right example and showcasing the significant contribution board diversity can make to good governance and sound decision making.”

Building on a successful communications and marketing career, Hetty Van Hale is chair of Badminton New Zealand, deputy chair of Winter Games New Zealand, a trustee of Sky City Queenstown Community Trust, and deputy chair of both the Three Lakes Cultural Trust and Central Lakes Trust. She has been a past board member of Snow Sports New Zealand, Wanaka Wastebusters, Mt Aspiring College Foundation, Lake Wanaka Tourism, Project Crimson and the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre of New Zealand.

” I am constantly inspired by the performances of our elite athletes and feel privileged to have the opportunity to contribute to shaping New Zealand’s world-class high performance system for the future. I will bring a national sporting organisation lens to the board with strong governance skills and experience in both high performance and community sport across winter and summer sports,” says Hetty Van Hale.

Rowan Simpson has been a member of the Sport New Zealand board since 2018 and also sits on the board of Winter Games New Zealand. Rowan is a founder of and investor in multiple successful high-growth New Zealand technology businesses. He was part of the founding teams at both Trade Me and Xero and continues to work as an investor and advisor to a new wave of high-growth early-stage ventures.

“It’s important to see ourselves competing and winning on the world stage. Those performances are a source of pride and inspiration for us all. I look forward to helping the team at HPSNZ build on past successes as they adapt to a constantly changing environment in the future,” says Rowan Simpson.

The arrival of the two new HPSNZ Board members coincides with the departure of Tony Hall whose term came to an end on 30 June.

Bill Moran thanked Mr Hall for his contribution during his time on the HPSNZ board.

“Tony provided great input into the board’s strategic discussions, drawing on a wealth of knowledge and experience from business and high performance sport.”

His replacement, as the NZOC representative on the board, is yet to be appointed.


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