1.1 NSOs may nominate athletes to receive support from HPSNZ. Where you receive support from HPSNZ through your NSO, HPSNZ will need to collect certain information about you to provide you with support that is tailored to your individual needs.
1.2 Your NSO will always be your primary point of contact, however, when you receive support from HPSNZ, your information will be collected and used by both your NSO and HPSNZ (we/us).
1.3 We know it’s important to respect and protect your privacy. We have developed this document to help you understand:
a) what we’re collecting and why;
b) how your information is collected, used, shared and protected by us; and
c) how you can exercise your rights when it comes to your information.
2.1 We respect your right to own and control your personal information.
2.2 If you have any questions about what we’re collecting, what we do with it, or who will have access to it, you can ask a member of your support team to clarify that for you.
2.3 If you have any concerns about what we’re doing, you have the right to raise those concerns with your support team and they will discuss the implications of this with you. Please bear in mind that if we’re not able to collect or use your information as described in this Statement then we may not be able to provide you with support from HPSNZ.
2.4 You have the right to ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to ask us to correct it if you believe it’s wrong.
2.5 Please note that if you are under the age of 16, your parent or guardian also has the right to ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you.
3.1 We collect and use your personal information to help us:
a) deliver training and support that helps you develop, progress and achieve your goals;
b) track your progress, including recovery and response to training, so that we can modify training based on your needs and help you avoid and/or manage injury and illness;
c) understand how you are progressing against your predicted improvement on your campaign plan and within your sport’s context;
d) inform, assess, and improve our decision making and the services we provide to you and other athletes, including your eligibility for TAPS;
e) tell the high performance sport story to the public to inspire and unite New Zealanders; and
f) manage our funding, accountability and governance processes.
3.2 Your NSO may also use your information to inform which athletes are brought into its high performance programme, and to make selection decisions in accordance with its selection policy.
3.3 HPSNZ may also use your information to comply with its legal and reporting responsibilities as a Government-funded organisation, for example, reporting to the Minister on performance expectations and tracking. HPSNZ will always de-identify this information to the extent possible.
3.4 We will limit the amount of information that we collect about you to what is necessary for the reasons above.
3.5 We may also use your information to understand trends and patterns amongst athletes within your sport and across the high performance sport system, so we can better understand the needs of athletes and improve our programmes. These insights will not identify you.
3.6 We will always ask for your permission before we use your information in a way that identifies you for another reason, unless we are already permitted to do so under the law. For example, we will not use your information for commercial purposes or share it with third parties except as described in this Statement without your consent. In exceptional circumstances the law may permit your information to be used or disclosed without your consent, for example, as mentioned at section 6.3 below, health practitioners may disclose information about you without your consent if they believe it is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious risk to the health, wellbeing or safety of you or others.
4.1 We collect personal information whenever athletes receive support from us. This information may be collected directly from you as the athlete, from a member of your support team (e.g. your coach or APS provider), from the NZOC or Paralympics NZ, from public sources (e.g. Gracenote), and/or from external specialists and consultants (e.g. through a medical referral). A member of your support team may also generate information about you when delivering services (e.g. developing a tailored nutrition plan for you).
4.2 The table below provides an overview of the different types of information that we may collect about you. We won’t necessarily collect all of this information – what we collect about you will depend on the support that you receive from us.
General | Information relating to your identity (e.g. name, date of birth, contact details), images,video footage, bank/lRD details, scholarship programme information, education and qualification history, career aspirations, discplinary processes (if any) |
Planning | Your trajectory on your sport’s performance pathway, investment details (e.g. TAPS level and payments, external services, use of HPSNZ support services), competition results, transitions, support network details, travel/logistics information |
Training Progression and Wellbeing | Performance plans, training programmes, performance metrics, assessments and analysis, impact of HPSNZ support on performance, non-Clincial health and wellbeing information including height, weight, nutrition information, physiology metrics, sleep patterns, return to sport, physical and mental training readiness and availability |
Clinical | Information collected by registered healthcare practitioners who are regulated under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 and providing support to you such as psychologists, doctors and physiotherapists e.g. injury and illness, physical and mental health information, including screening results, diagnoses, ACC insurance claims, medication, consultation notes and TUEs |
5.1 We are committed to keeping your information secure, and we work to enhance protections on an ongoing basis.
5.2 HPSNZ manages your information in line with its information technology policies. Please contact HPSNZ’s Privacy Officer at [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions.
5.3 Please contact your NSO directly for information on how it stores and protects your information.
6.1 In all cases, we work to ensure that your information can only be accessed on a “need to know” basis and only for the reasons set out in section 3 above.
6.2 As an athlete receiving support from HPSNZ, your information may need to be accessed by a range of people within HPSNZ and your NSO, and by other organisations as set out below. If we need to share information about you with anyone else, we will ask for your consent first unless the circumstances are exceptional.
Members of your support team | Members of your support team can access all your personal information that is relevant to their role EXCEPT Clinical information (access to which is restricted as explained below). Your support team will include HPSNZ and NSO staff and other support people nominated by you. |
Other NSO or HPSNZ staff members | Our other staff members can only access your personal information where needed for one of the reasons set out in section 3 (e.g. General/Planning information to manage investment and access to services). |
NZOC, Paralympics NZ, International Federations | Your NSO may provide these organisations with information for long list, nomination and selection purposes and to enter you into competitions. HPSNZ may also provide information to the NZOC and Paralympics NZ to ensure continuity of your care atpinnacle events. |
Our suppliers | External agencies (e.g. ACC, Sport Integrity Commission), our professional advisors, specialist suppliers (e.g. IT, software development, engineering) and facilities operators may be able to access your personal information for the reasons set out in section 3 when providing services to us or as part of an external referral, but all are subject to strict confidentiality obligations. |
Universities | If you are part of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship programme, your information maybe shared with your univerisity or education provider where needed. |
Public | Limited information about you may be shared with the public (e.g. to comply with HPSNZ’s public reporting requirements). We will always consider your privacy interests before responding to media or other requests for information. |
6.3 We understand that your Clinical information is highly sensitive. Please note that all registered health practitioners who are regulated under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 are bound by professional confidentiality obligations and they will always talk to you before sharing your Clinical information with your wider support team. This information will not be shared outside of the health practitioner team without your consent, except where we believe there may be a risk of serious harm to you or others, or where it’s necessary to share certain information to enable us to comply with our legal obligations (e.g. to ensure we’re taking appropriate measures to safeguard health and safety within our environments). In all cases, health practitioners will need to share their high-level assessment of your readiness and availability to train with your wider support team so they can provide you with tailored support.
7.1 Retaining Records: We will keep records of your information after you have stopped receiving support from us so we can maintain long term statistical records, performance analysis and health consequences and so that HPSNZ can comply with its obligations under the Public Records Act. We will take steps to de-identify the information where possible. Legally, Clinical information about you must be retained for at least 10 years from the day of your last consultation, unless you ask for the information to be transferred to another healthcare provider.
7.2 Official Information Act: Because HPSNZ is a public sector organisation, it is also subject to the Official Information Act. HPSNZ always considers the privacy interests of athletes before responding to requests for information and will protect your privacy to the extent allowed under the law.
8.1 Remember, if you wish to exercise your privacy rights or have any privacy concerns at any time, you can reach out to a member of your support team. You can also contact your NSO’s Privacy Officer or HPSNZ’s Privacy Officer at [email protected]. If we cannot resolve your concerns, you can also make a complaint to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.
8.2 We may update this Privacy Statement from time to time and your NSO will ensure you receive a copy of the new version. You can also view the latest version anytime on the HPSNZ website.