Our connected network of training centres and people

HPSNZ Training Centres and People

A connected national network of training facilities and support

Whatever support our high performance athletes and coaches need - it’s available through our regionally based Performance Pathways team and our national network of training facilities across the country. Our connected national network provides future, current and retiring high performance athletes and coaches with support around performance, development, and transition.

A growing network of HPSNZ Regional Performance Pathways Leads are helping identify, develop and monitor New Zealand’s future athletes and coaches, providing clarity and connection to national sporting pathways and access to development support while they make decisions about their goals in sport and life.  Ensuring our up-and-coming talent can access the right advice, at the right time, while remaining closer to home and their support networks is our priority.

Training centres in Auckland, Cambridge, Karapiro, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Wanaka all offer an environment where athletes and coaches on the high performance pathway can access training and recovery facilities, and get the tailored health and wellbeing support they need to reach their potential and thrive in their sporting and non-sporting lives.  


Auckland National Training Centre 09 577 5420
Karapiro National Training Centre – Rowing 07 823 4587
Cambridge National Training Centre 07 849 7462
Wellington National Training Centre 04 802 4019
Christchurch National Training Centre 03 374 4150
Dunedin National Training Centre 03 477 4410
Wanaka National Training Centre – Snow Sports 03 433 4085






In addition to our network at home, HPSNZ partners with NZOC, Paralympics NZ and NSOs to create performance environments at major events. These Preparation & Recovery Centres, which are typically set up in the Athletes’ Village, simulate the athletes’ daily training environments as closely as possible. 

Our network of training, performance and recovery centres provides athletes with multi-sport performance environments, outside of the Athletes’ Village 

A Preparation & Recovery Centre was first piloted at the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games. It was enhanced for the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics, and used in the record breaking 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.  

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