March 2023,

Media Statement: Zane Robertson

High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) is extremely disappointed by the actions of Zane Robertson in breaching the anti-doping rules. The integrity of sport is critical and any action that undermines that is unacceptable.

“HPSNZ fully supports the ban handed down to Robertson by the Sports Tribunal, and we support and thank Drug Free Sport NZ for the work they have done in relation to this issue.

“Robertson had received HPSNZ funding as a carded and tailored athlete pathway support (TAPS) athlete for a number of years, but he was not nominated for TAPS beyond December 2022.

“While HPSNZ condemns Robertson’s actions, we are also committed to ensuring athlete wellbeing, and we are working closely with Athletics NZ to ensure the athlete receives the necessary support during this time.”

Steve Tew, Director of High Performance, High Performance Sport New Zealand



Media Contact:

Michelle Pickles

Group Media Manager

[email protected]

021 833 244

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