June 2023, Articles

Women sports leaders join Women in Leadership Summit

Fifteen women from across the Women in High Performance Sport (WHPS) programme, NSOs and HPSNZ joined their peers from a diverse range of industries and sectors at the recent 9th Annual Women in Leadership Summit.

The event, run by the Women in Leadership Institute, provided the opportunity to bring emerging and established female leaders across Aotearoa together, showcasing their journeys as they pave the way and make their world in the corporate sector.

HPSNZ WHPS lead, Helene Wilson, says the purpose of the event was two-fold: Breaking down Barriers and Building Legacies.

“Our group of women sports leaders joined a packed conference venue to hear a range of keynote speakers provide insights how, together, women leaders from all backgrounds can build a more inclusive and diverse Aotearoa,” says Helene.

The two-day conference provided a valuable platform for CEOs and emerging leaders to share knowledge, gain valuable insights and maximise networking opportunities.

“Mixing and learning from women in a broad range of industries and sectors and at different levels within their organisations was invaluable, as was the opportunity to then discuss learnings with a high performance lens that can be applied to our WHPS strategies at HPSNZ and across our NSO partners,” says Helene.

“Workshops covered forward thinking topics that ranged from inclusive leadership, supporting the workforce of tomorrow, and lifting each other up within seasons of hard work. Catering for emerging and established leaders, our group was excited and enthusiastic at the learnings and opportunity to gain insights and share experience with such a diverse cohort of women leaders.”

Helene Wilson (far left) with the sports leaders at the Women in Leadership Summit
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