November 2023,

Hui helps progress Wellbeing Framework and Guidelines

HPSNZ hosted a two-day hui for Wellbeing Managers and Leads in mid-October as a key part of progressing work related to the Wellbeing Framework and Guidelines.

Some 10 NSO Wellbeing leads and Sport NZ and HPSNZ representatives attended the hui which brought the group together to look at wellbeing policies and processes as well as roles and responsibilities.

HPSNZ Wellbeing and Engagement Lead, Dr Toni Minniti, says this was a significant opportunity for meaningful discussion that included sharing of best practices and promoting and embedding wellbeing within NSOs.

“The two days were highly focused and were instrumental in progressing foundational work that will yield long-term and system-wide benefits in the wellbeing space,” says Toni.

Three of the hui participants shared their reflections from the two-day session.

Snow Sports NZ Wellbeing and Health & Safety Manager, Amy McClintock, says it was a valuable opportunity to reflect on current practices and identify areas for improvement.

“We delved into various aspects of our policies, processes, roles and responsibilities and it reinforced the importance of constantly evolving to meet the needs of our community and maintain a safe, supportive and healthy environment for all,” says Amy.

Equestrian NZ Wellbeing Manager and HPSNZ Senior Performance Psychologist, Jason Yuill-Proctor says the Wellbeing hui was a great opportunity to meet the different Wellbeing Managers face to face and to share the unique wellbeing challenges of different sporting environments and consider the impact that has on the organisation’s policies and processes.

“It was also a good opportunity to build connections and start to learn from each other, recognising our different backgrounds, skills and experiences and the different stages we are all at in the development and implementation of wellbeing strategies in our sports,” says Jason.

Dr Cherie Harris, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager for Swimming NZ says wellbeing, collaboration and communication go hand in hand, so it was no surprise that there was plenty to discuss when the Wellbeing Managers came together at the hui.

“Collective voices across a variety of sports and disciplines highlighted the need for focused time and attention in the wellbeing space while recognising the importance of sharing resources and networks,” says Cherie.

“It was heartwarming to see and hear the passion in the room for the wellbeing of all involved in sport. An incredibly productive two days with motivated individuals all with a desire to ‘do more’ in this space.”

The hui complements the ongoing consultation process with the wider NSO network, Sport NZ stakeholders and athlete voice groups.

Toni says, in addition to the hui participants, the journey and process to develop the draft Wellbeing Framework and Guidelines has involved a wide range of invested groups.

“We conducted a three-month long consultation process with NSOs, athletes and athlete representatives to inform wellbeing documents and resources.

“A key part of the process has been our collaboration with the Kāhui Rautaki Māori team to ensure the Framework and Guidelines, along with other related materials, reflect what wellbeing means to us in our unique part of the world.

“We are finalising the framework and providing wellbeing measurement guidance and investment criteria that align with the overarching Framework and Guidelines, all of which are targeted at a systems level and complement the work done by the Performance Life team and others with individual athletes,” says Toni.

The first lot of Wellbeing Programme assets are near completion and are expected to be live and uploaded to the HPSNZ website imminently.

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