Performance life coaching

Supporting performance and wellbeing in sport and life

The Performance Life Coaching Programme is a holistic programme that helps athletes maximise their performance and wellbeing in sport and life. The programme is built around six pillars: Wellbeing, Responsibility, Continuous Learning, Professionalism, Purposeful Planning and Effective Communication.

The Performance Life Coaching programme is designed to build capability and learning, support transitions, offer personal and professional development opportunities alongside sport with wellbeing as a priority. With a combination of 1:1 consults and workshops, our team support individuals to have careers that are sustainable and focused on success in both sport and life. 

We support individuals to build routines around sport and life, promote effective relationship management, encourage altruistic community involvement and advocate for individuals to have influence in decisions that impact their lives. We also give support and guidance around careers, act as a point of connection in times of need and help with transition planning. 

Performance Life Coaching advisors follow a code of conduct and respect the confidentiality of the athlete. With a wealth of experience in the High Performance system, our team are career and life counsellors, educators, life coaches and professionals who have the athlete at the centre of their decision making. We care about the person behind the performance. 







Performance Life Coaching Team

Anna Simcic
[email protected]
Carla Johl
[email protected]
Carol Goodlass
Carolyn Donaldson
Christina Jacklin
[email protected]
Christine Arthur
Cushla Phillips
Ellie Bell
[email protected]
Hannah McLean
Helen Regan
[email protected]
Natalie Fraser
Nicola Lewis-Clifford
Tina Manker
[email protected]
Vicki Hudson
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Athlete Support


Our induction will welcome you to HPSNZ, explain the services we provide and how to manage the associated responsibilities. 

  • Who is it for (eligibility)?
    All athletes selected by their National Sports Organisation (NSO) 
  • What it involves?
    A one hour meeting with your Performance Life Coaching Advisor to explain the HPSNZ’s support model  which may include some  financial support, expertise, planning assistance, world class facilities and other benefits. 
  • How and when to access?
    After you have been notified by your NSO and completed all the contractual and compliance documents please contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor as soon as possible.  
  • Who to contact?
    Contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor 
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Athlete Giveback

Athletes are role models that inspire the nation. We encourage and promote athletes to give back to their community or charities of choice. This supports athlete wellbeing and builds gratitude and resilience. 

  • Who is eligible?
    We encourage all HPSNZ supported athletes to be involved because of the opportunity for personal growth.
  • What it involves?
    During your annual Life Plan consult, Performance Life Coaching Advisors will talk about altruism, the benefits for athletes and ensure athletes can articulate and align their values. Athletes can gain an understanding of themselves as they explore and develop ways to contribute to their communities. They develop self-confidence and an enhanced commitment to public service. There is potential to gain work experience with diverse members of the community, leadership skills and networking. 
  • Who to contact?
    Contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor 
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Athlete Voice

HPSNZ has a commitment to champion the voice of athletes and positively impact the High Performance environment. If you wish to build skills and knowledge to be part of an athlete voice group in your NSO or at HPSNZ then please talk to your Performance Life Coaching Advisor.

  • Who is eligible?
    All HPSNZ supported athletes 
  • What it involves?
    The Performance Life Coaching Team supports athletes to bring their voice through ways that are available to them, be it within their NSO, through specific athlete voice mechanisms, or in everyday conversations.  Training sessions will vary depending on the cohort that wish to be part of a development programme but it is expected to be a year programme meeting for an hour per month.  
  • Who to contact?
    Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor  
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Transitioning out of Sport

National Sports Organisations are responsible for determining the athletes who are eligible for support. Athletes enter and leave the HPSNZ support framework for a variety of reasons. Some of which are voluntary such as retirement and some are beyond their control such as deselection or injury. Our Performance Life Coaching team works with athletes to prepare for transitions while they’re supported by HPSNZ and for 6-months after support ends.  

  • Who is eligible:
    All athletes leaving the HPSNZ support framework  
  • What it involves:
    When you transition out of sport you are entitled to 6 months Performance Life Coaching support. You will be offered a transitioning out of sport interview with your Performance Life Coaching Advisor to assist your planning and identify how we can best support your transition within a professional, trusted and caring environment. Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor will also advise what additional support is available to you at this time. 
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Supporting Athlete Education

More than half of athletes receiving scholarships are completing Bachelors or Post-Graduate qualifications



Athlete wellbeing can be thought of as athletes being able to lead fulfilling lives, with purpose, balance and meaning. 

  • Who is eligible?
    All HPSNZ supported athletes 
  • What it involves
    Performance Life Coaching Advisors work with you to develop a wellbeing plan. They encourage you to embrace balance and perspective and consider your physical, spiritual, emotional and social needs, and what each area looks like for you when you are thriving. 
  • How and when to access?
    Contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor and book an initial appointment. 
  • Who to contact?
    Performance Life Coaching Advisor.
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Career Planning

Plan for a dual career that enables performance and gives confidence with transitions. 

  • Who is eligible?
    All HPSNZ supported athletes 
  • What it involves
    Individual consultation with Performance Life Coaching Advisor identifying values, strengths and interests, transferrable skills, motivators, industries and jobs. You will be guided through work exploration aligned with your Performance Life Coaching plan. 
  • How and when to access?
    Contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor and book an initial appointment. 
  • Who to contact?
    Performance Life Coaching Advisor. 
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Life Coaching

Life Coaching is a future focused approach to support you in achieving your goals, gain self-awareness and assist you in making your desired changes. 

  • Who is it for (eligibility)
    All HPSNZ supported athletes 
  • What it involves?
    Individually tailored programme through One on One sessions. The coach and athlete are in an equal partnership and believe athletes know themselves better than anyone and therefore have the ability to uncover answers and create solutions. 
  • How and when to access?
    Contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor and book an initial appointment 
  • Who to contact?
    Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor. 
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To support athletes as they navigate high performance sport, transitioning between campaigns/teams, locations, selections and de-selections. 

Athletes will learn about the common challenges in transitions and how they can identify and create significant, purpose-driven decisions during and after their sporting career. 

  • Who is it for (eligibility):
    All HPSNZ supported athletes and athletes 6 months beyond that 
  • What it involves?
    Individual meetings with your Performance Life Coaching Advisor working on such things as: Identity “Who am I”, career profile, values, character strengths, study support, Prime Ministers scholarships, career conversations, support with CVs, recruitment referrals, workplace exploration. Athletes leaving HPSNZ support will have an exit interview with their Life Advisor, a medical exit interview and 6 months of Performance Life Coaching support following their exit. . Additional support from other services may be offered on a case by case basis. 
  • How and when to access?
    Contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor and book an appointment 
  • Who to contact?
    Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor. 
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Athletes were supported by a broad range of educational institutions in New Zealand 


Cross Roads

The Cross Roads Forum is designed specifically to support athletes post pinnacle event and provides the opportunity to come together and explore the process of “getting down the mountain”. 

  • Who is it for (eligibility)?
    HPSNZ supported athletes who are on the long lists the Olympic (Summer and Winter), Paralympic (Summer and Winter) or Commonwealth Games. In addition, other athletes may be nominated by their NSO. 
  • What it involves?
    Cross Roads is a two-day forum. Information, experiences, and learnings are shared in open conversation and workshop streams. Presentations from athlete alumni, coaches and HP Sport leaders focus on the process of transition, whether it is into another campaign, out of sport, or how best to make informed decisions. Our Athlete Friendly Business Partners also attend to share opportunities for athletes. 
  • How and when to apply?
    Cross Roads is held every four years and all eligible athletes will be sent an invitation to attend. If you are interested in learning more, contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor. 
  • Who to contact?
    Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor. 
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Empower is a weekend workshop designed to increase athlete understanding of what is needed to perform at their best on the world stage. Athletes will be exposed to cross sport learning, reflective practice and mindset, a focus on medal winning athlete behaviours, planning for performance and advanced communication skills. 

  • Who is it for (eligibility)?
    The programme is for athletes with the potential to reach pinnacle events within the next four-year cycle. Beyond that, acceptance will be subject to NSO approval.  
  • What it involves?
    The weekend workshop provides the opportunity to connect with other athletes. Note: Given the time investment needed, coach and NSO approval will be sought as part of the application process. 
  • Who to contact?
    Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor. 
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Our Performance Life Coaching Team offer bespoke leadership training for athletes wanting to take the next steps in leading in their sport or the community. 

  • Who is eligible?
    All HPSNZ supported athletes 
  • What it involves?
    Two weekend workshops and 2 follow up meetings over 12-month period. 
  • How and when to apply?
    Courses are arranged according to interest and need. 
  • Who to contact?
    Either contact your Performance Life Coaching Advisor or the Head of Performance Life Coaching, Chris Arthur. 
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The aim of the Athlete Workshop and Webinar Programme is to provide athletes and teams with additional knowledge to support them to be the best person and the best athlete they can be. A wide range of topics and presenters are available. 

  • Who is it for (eligibility)?
    All HPSNZ supported athletes and others by invitation 
  • What it involves?
    Workshops range from one hour to a day. Times and locations vary. The content is based on athlete need. Registrations are via links provided or by return email. 
  • How and when to apply?
    Follow workshop/webinar links and apply online. We encourage you to suggest topics or themes to your Performance Life Coaching Advisor 
  • Who to contact?
    Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor for more information. 
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Athlete Alumni

To belong to a network of former athletes who share experiences and expertise with each other and with current HPSNZ supported athletes. 

  • Who is eligible?
    All athletes previously supported by HPSNZ 
  • What it involves?
    Involvement will be dependent on the skills, time and interest of individual alumni. Opportunity to attend Performance Life Coaching events, mentor athletes, speak at workshops such as Empower and Crossroads, and have a support network to help with transition. 
  • Who to contact?
    Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor. 
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Athlete Friendly Network - Business

The Athlete Friendly Network -Business is a community of businesses providing opportunities for athletes in the areas of career, resources, and professional advice and services. In addition, our Athlete Lounges are supported through our Food Family partners. This support is nationwide and built on a shared interest of helping New Zealand’s best athletes win on the world stage. 

  • Who is it for:
    The Athlete Friendly Network -Business is open to all HPSNZ supported athletes and connects athletes with partners who can provide access to career opportunities, quality professional services, discounted products and a range of learning expertise.  Your Performance Life Coaching Advisor can guide you through the partner network and opportunities. 
  • What it involves:
    – Resources/Product
    – Career Services
    – Professional Expertise and Services 
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Athlete Friendly Network - Tertiary

To provide athletes with more tailored support for their tertiary study. The relationships with Performance Life Coaching and the tertiary staff increases the ability to understand the high performance environment and have flexibility for athletes to achieve academic and sporting excellence. 

  • Who is eligible?     HPSNZ supported athletes 
  • What it involves?
    Working with your Performance Life Coaching Advisor to plan the workload, examinations and pressure points which may need to be adapted. This can involve rescheduling, adjusting timeframes and changing locations. 
  • Tertiary Partners
    List of AFNT Partners 
  • Who to contact?
    Performance Life Coaching Advisor as required. 
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Case Studies

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