HPSNZ has appointed Dr Sue Robson to the role of Healthy Women in High Performance Sport Programme Lead.
The new role and programme have been established to actively support the objective of having healthy women participating in high performance sport.
As a physiologist, Sue brings an extensive background covering women’s health/performance research, applied elite athlete experience across a wide range of sports, and organisational leadership. Sue will move to New Zealand in November. She will be based in Cambridge but will spend time in Auckland and other HPSNZ hubs.
The Healthy Women in High Performance Sport programme sits within HPSNZ’s Wellbeing and Leadership Team and its objectives are:
- Supporting the aspiration outcome of having ‘healthy women performing in elite New Zealand sport’ through the strategic development and implementation of identified initiatives, including education, evidence based clinical and performance oriented support, data management and research.
- Delivering a world leading, inclusive, culturally appropriate and sustainable approach to supporting women’s health, wellbeing and performance in the New Zealand sporting environment.
- Promoting and developing system wide awareness, educational opportunities, knowledge and understanding of gender specific physical, psychological, physiological (including nutritional) and sociocultural responses to training, recovery, fuelling and competition demands, to optimise health and performance outcomes.
- Engaging, developing and promoting a multi-disciplinary, collaborative, inter-organisational consortium of technical experts, to facilitate the establishment and completion of identified initiatives.
HPSNZ has appointed Dr Sue Robson to the role of Healthy Women in High Performance Sport Programme Lead.