'Diet Coffee’ product contains undeclared Methylhexanamine (DMAA)
A ‘slimming’ coffee product (dietary supplement) in New Zealand has been found to contain phenethylamine (PEA) on the label and undeclared Methylhexanamine (DMAA) in the product, a Class C Drug in New Zealand. DMAA and palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) are not dietary ingredients, may cause significant adverse reactions such as rapid heart rate and anxiety, and pose an anti-doping risk to athletes. DMAA has previously been linked to cases of toxicity and deaths in Hawaii, NZ, and during the London marathon. DMAA and its various forms are included in the WADA Prohibited List.
Due to the presence of DMAA and PEA athletes are advised to avoid the Valentus product.
MEDSAFE is warning consumers in general about the purchase of health products online due to the risk of containing uncontrolled substances.
What you should know:
- DMAA has many trade names including 1,3-DMAA, 1,3-amphetamine. Forthane, Geranamine and 1,3-dimethylamine, among others. Dietary supplement labels may or may not declare the presence of this substance.
- There is another dietary supplement palmitoylethanolamide, also known as PEA, derived from palmitic acid. Palmitoylethanolamide is currently ‘trending’ as an alternative for cannabidiol. Neither PEA nor phenethylamine are part of the HPSNZ Nutritional Supplement Programme.
- HPSNZ Supported Athletes should not consume supplements that are not included in the HPSNZ Supplement Programme.
HPSNZ support staff and contractors are reminded that dietary supplement product labels can be misleading and do not always reveal the true content or purity of the product. Choosing third party tested products reduces the chances of inadvertently consuming a prohibited substance.
Carded Athletes are reminded to seek advice and source their supplements through their HSPNZ Performance Nutritionist and/or Medical Director. Suspected adverse reactions to dietary supplements should be reported to the respective HPSNZ Medical Director and Performance Nutritionist.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your HPSNZ Performance Nutritionist and/or Medical Director. Outside of HPSNZ contact a sports dietitian, sports medicine doctor or GP.
Jeni Pearce and Tanya Hamilton Bruce Hamilton
HPSNZ Performance Nutrition HPSNZ Medical Director
Distribution list: HPSNZ Performance Nutrition, HPSNZ Medical, HPSNZ SLT, PTL’s, NSO, DFSNZ