October 2024, Articles

Insight to Impact programme supports HPDs

High Performance Directors from eight sports are taking part in HSPNZ’s new Insight to Impact programme which began earlier this month. The programme has been developed to support NSO High Performance Directors (HPDs) in recognition of their critical role in the success of New Zealand’s high performance sport system.

HPSNZ General Manager Wellbeing and Leadership Emily Downes says HPDs are critical to driving the performance environment, empowering high performance teams, and ensuring the right systems are in place for success.

“They are the people who lay the foundations for athletes, coaches and support staff to have the best possible opportunity to perform on the world stage when it matters most.”

Insight to Impact is an evolution of HPSNZ’s Leadership Capability Programme for HPDs, which was first delivered in 2014. Seven cohorts completed the programme, the last in 2021.  

“We’ve been consulting with NSOs and previous programme participants over the last 18 months to review and refresh our approach,” Emily says.  

“The result is a programme we’ve called Insight to Impact because it is a bespoke development programme to enhance individual insight and enable performance impact now and in the future.”  

The 2024 Insight to Impact cohort features HPDs from Rowing, Canoe Racing, Equestrian, Yachting, Snow Sports, Triathlon, Basketball and Netball.    

To further recognise the significance of the HPD role and support NSOs, HPSNZ has worked with them to update the HPD Role Profile and develop corresponding recruitment and interview guides for NSOs. 

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